Friday, March 8, 2013

A New Adventure

So those who know me well know that I have struggled for years with stomach problems. In 2004 I had my appendix removed, because they thought that was the problem. There still wasn't much relief. In 2006 I had my gallbladder removed, still only some relief. In 2006 they performed a colonoscopy and endoscopy to evaluate. They labeled in IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and put me on a medicine that is really a cholesterol medication but has worked better for IBS patients.

This past summer (2012) I began having similar issues as before and some question came about as to whether to medication was working. After seeing the gastro-doctor they gave me another medication in addition to the normal one. That didn't add any relief. September 2012 they gave me a very strong antibiotic to try and see what that would do but instead of working I had an allergic reaction to the medication, began having convulsions in my arms and legs and landed in the ER with an epinephrine shot and LOTS of Benadryl once able to go home. The fall was much of a rollercoaster up and down with tummy upset.

In December I became ill one Sunday morning, thinking it was the stomach flu. By Sunday night I was barely able to move my stomach hurt so bad. It felt like someone was constantly punching me in my stomach. Back to the ER and a CT scan was run. At that point they found that the lymph nodes in my stomach were inflamed and swollen. Not knowing the cause they scheduled for another endoscopy to be preformed. That procedure was done on February 11, 2013. Long story short I had an adverse reaction to the anesthesia and had a partial lung collapse in both lungs landing me in the hospital for four days. After getting out of the hospital the gastroenterologist called to say that they were unable to make any 100% finds with the endoscopy and that they would like to proceed with another stomach procedure.

As you can imagine at this point, with two still partially collapsed lungs, I refused. Undergoing anesthesia at that point could have literally killed me. Being the weakest I've ever felt in my entire life I found myself laying in bed praying to God for answers and healing. I have two friends who had recently seen a holistic nutritionist in the area and had amazing results from her program. Feeling that I was literally at the end of my rope with the gastro-doctors we called her and made an appointment.

I saw her last week for the first time and have never felt so certain about a treatment method in my whole life. Her words of wisdom and encouragement are indescribable. To say that she really knows her stuff is an understatement. Her suggestion is that my stomach as been through so much the last several months, even years, that we need to take time to let it rest and heal. In order to do that there is a very rigid and strict diet called the elimination plan that she highly recommends her clients follow. Basically the overall gist of this plan is no gluten (so no breads, pastas, etc.), no dairy (no milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, etc.), no potatoes, no red meat, no pork, no processed foods, no grapes, all veggies except corn and the nightshade veggies (peppers, etc.), no caffeine and no sugars. OH MY GOSH WHAT DO YOU EAT? is normally the question I get asked at this point. Surprisingly there is still a huge amount to choose from and the trick is not what can you eat but it's what can you do, with the ingredients you are able to have, to add variation to what you can have.

So while I love providing menus and recipes to all of you, the next few months are going to be VERY different. Now granted the recipes I am going to provide are still amazingly yummy and I love them! You're not going to find any green smoothies to drink in my recipe list because I personally cannot get over the "look" let alone the taste.

So I hope you enjoy the new journey and adventure with me and I hope you can find recipes that you enjoy and love just as much as I do. A bonus is knowing that these recipes are gluten, soy, dairy and peanut free and that they are healthy!

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